博士生导师 硕士生导师
1. 单秀娟,赵永松,金显仕等. 2023. 长岛毗邻海域底层渔业生物与生态环境. 中国农业出版社。
2. Qi Ding, Xiujuan Shan*, Xianshi Jin, Harry Gorfine, Lisha Guan, Tao Yang. 2023. Evolution of China's Total Allowable Catch (TAC) system: review and way forward. Marine Policy. 147,105390
3. Yunlong Chen, Xiujuan Shan*, Harry Gorfine, Fangqun Dai, Qiang Wu, Tao Yang, Yongqiang Shi, Xianshi Jin. 2023. Ensemble projections of fish distribution in response to climate changes in the Yellow and Bohai Seas, China. Ecological Indicators, 146,109759.
4. Qingpeng Han; Xiujuan Shan*; Xianshi Jin; Harry Gorfine. 2023. Overcoming gaps in a seasonal time series of Japanese Anchovy abundance to analyse interannual trends. Ecological Indicators, 149, 110189.
5. Guangliang Teng; Xianshi Jin; Caihong Fu; Lisha Guan; Yue Jin; Yunlong Chen; Tao Yang; Qi Ding; Xiujuan Shan*. Is seafloor litter contributing to sea anemone blooms? Journal: Science of the Total Environment. 759(4):143479
6. Qingpeng Han, Arnaud Grüss, Xiujuan Shan*, Xianshi Jin, James T. Thorson, 2021. Understanding patterns of distribution shifts and range expansion/contraction for the small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) population of the Yellow Sea. Fisheries Oceanography. 30:69–84.