The project acceptance inspection for seedling cultivation work in the project “Artificial Breeding Technique of Black Scraper Thamnaconus modestus” was organized by Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (YSFRI) in Marine Fisheries Science Research Center - Huangdao Experiment Base on 21 July 2017. Experts from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Huangdao Fishery Technology Extension Station participated in the project result evaluation. Mr. Wu Degang, deputy director of Qingdao Municipal Ocean and Fisheries Administration, and Xu Jinbo, deputy director of the Huangdao Municipal Ocean and Fisheries Administration participated in the acceptance inspection together with other experts.
After listening to the introduction of work progress by the project team, the experts examined the status of artificial T. modestus seedling by random sampling and checking the production records during the acceptance inspection. A total of 285 wild broodstock were cultivated in this project, at body weights ranging from 215g to 580g, and body length between 24.7cm - 35.5cm. The total number of healthy seedlings at more than 3cm in length was 339,000, with an average length of 5.5cm. All the seedlings were healthy and lively in culture tasks, showing normal body color.
T. modestus has white firm meat with fresh taste, but not greasy. The market prospect for this species is very broad, which can produce many products such as dried fish, frozen fish fillets, grilled fish fillets and so on. Although the market price of T. modestus is high, the natural resource is scarce at present, because of overfishing and other reasons. The availability of this species in nature is unable to satisfy the growing demand of domestic and foreign markets. The implementation of this project could not only lay the foundation for large-scale production and diversification in artificial culture of the T. modestus, but also support artificial propagation and restoration of marine living resources.