研究方向为海水养殖生态动力学。主要从事近海物质输运过程与机制、海水养殖动力学模拟等研究工作,在Ocean Modelling、Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science、中国环境科学等期刊发表多篇学术论文。
[1] Yu, J.Z., Zhang, X.Q., Sheng, X.X. and Jiang, W.S. (2023). Mass transport pattern and mechanism in the tide-dominant Bohai Sea. Ocean Modelling, 182: 102173.
[2] Yu, J.Z., Zhang, X.Q., Feng, Y.L., Jiang, W.S. and Deng, F.J. (2021). Analysis of tidal-induced connectivity among coastal regions in the Bohai Sea using the complex network theory. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 260: 107506.
[3] 于金珍, 张燕伟, 卞晓东, 陈云龙, 张学庆 (2020). 渤海鳀鱼产卵场关键影响因素识别及变迁预测. 中国环境科学, 40(5): 2214-2221.
[4] Zhang, X.Q., Yu, J.Z. and Feng, Y.L. (2019). Simulation of a lock-release gravity current based on a non-hydrostatic model. Water Supply, 19(6): 1802-1808.
[5] 冯存岸, 于金珍, 冯依蕾, 张燕伟, 张学庆 (2020). 陆海统筹下的陆源排放口聚类分析. 水动力学研究与进展(A 辑), 35(3): 314-320.
[6] Sheng, X.X., Mao, X.Y., Yu, J.Z., Zhang, X.Q. and Jiang, W.S. (2023). Modeling Lagrangian residual velocity in a tide-dominated long-narrow bay: case study of the inner Xiangshan Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 278: 108088.