[1]Ke Sun; Jihong Zhang; Fan Lin; Jeffrey S. Ren; Yunxia Zhao; Wenguang Wu; Yi Liu; Evaluating the growth potential of a typical bivalve-seaweed integrated mariculture system - a numerical study of Sungo Bay, China,Aquaculture, 2021, 532: 736037.
[2]Ke Sun; Junchuan Sun; Qing Liu; Zhan Lian; Jeffrey S. Ren; Tao Bai; Yitao Wang; Zexun Wei; A numerical study of theUlva proliferabiomass during the green tides in China - toward a cleanerPorphyramariculture,Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 161: 111805.
[3]Ke Sun; Jeffrey S. Ren; Tao Bai; Jihong Zhang; Qing Liu; Wenguang Wu; Yunxia Zhao; Yi Liu; A dynamic growth model ofUlva prolifera: Application in quantifying the biomass of green tides in the Yellow Sea, China,Ecological Modelling, 2020, 428: 109072.
[4]Ke Sun; Jihong Zhang; Fan Lin; Jeffrey S. Ren; Yunxia Zhao; Wenguang Wu; Yi Liu; Evaluating the influences of integrated culture on pelagic ecosystem by a numerical approach: A case study of Sungo Bay, China,Ecological Modelling, 2020, 415: 108860.
[5]Ke Sun; Zhongfeng Qiu; Yijun He; Wei Fan; Zexun Wei; Vertical development of aProrocentrum donghaiensebloom in the coastal waters of the East China Sea: Coupled biophysical numerical modeling,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2017, 36(6): 23-33.
[6] Dong Xu; Charlotte-Elisa Schaum; Fan Lin;Ke Sun; James R. Munroe; Xiaowen Zhang; Xiao Fan; Linhong Teng; Yitao Wang; Zhimeng Zhuang; Naihao Ye; Acclimation of bloom-forming and perennial seaweeds to elevatedpCO2 conserved across levels of environmental complexity,Global Change Biology, 2017, 23: 4828-4839.
[7]Ke Sun; Zhongfeng Qiu; Yijun He; Wei Fan; Zexun Wei; Succession of causative species during spring blooms in the East China Sea: Coupled biophysical numerical modeling,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(12): 1-11.
[8] Haibo Bi;Ke Sun; Xuan Zhou; Haijun Huang; Xiuli Xu; Arctic Sea Ice Area Export Through the Fram Strait Estimated From Satellite-Based Data:1988–2012,IEEE J-STARS, 2016, 9(7): 3144-3157.
[9] Haibo Bi; Min Fu;Ke Sun; Yilin Liu; Xiuli Xu; Haijun Huang; Arctic sea ice thickness changes in terms of sea ice age,Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(10): 1-10.
[10]Ke Sun; Zhongfeng Qiu; Yijun He; Baoshu Yin; Nutrient-controlled growth ofSkeletonema costatum: an applied model,Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014, 32(3): 608-625.