主持科技创新2030-农业生物育种重大专项课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金等科研项目十余项。发表论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Microbiome,Engineering,Molecular Ecology Resources等国内外学术期刊发表论文十余篇;获授权国家发明专利7项(第一发明人3项),日本专利1项(排名第二),参与培育国审水产新品种1个;参编中文专著1部,英文专著2部。获范蠡科技奖特等奖、中华农业科技奖一等奖、水科院大渔创新奖等奖励4项。任中国海洋大学、大连海洋大学、青岛科技大学、江苏海洋大学、广东海洋大学研究生导师;中国水产学会水产生物技术与遗传育种专业委员会委员、中国动物学会比较内分泌学专业委员会委员。
通讯地址:山东省青岛市南京路106号 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
1. Zhou Q1, Zhu X1, Li YZ, Yang PS, Wang SP, Ning K*, Chen SL*. Intestinal microbiome-mediated resistance against vibriosis for Cynoglossus semilaevis. Microbiome, 2022, 10, 153. (IF=15.5)
2. Zhou Q1, Chen YD1, Lu S, Xu WT, Li YZ, Wang L, Wang N, Yang YM, Chen SL*. Development of a 50K SNP array for Japanese flounder and its application in genomic selection for disease resistance, Engineering, 2021, 7:406-411. (IF=12.8)
3. Zhou Q1, Chen YD, Chen ZF, Wang L, Ma XR, Wang J, Zhang QH, Chen SL*. Genomics and transcriptomics reveal new molecular mechanism of vibriosis resistance in fish. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13:974604. (IF=7.3)
4. Zhou Q 1, Guo X 1, Huang Y, et al. De novo sequencing and chromosomal-scale genome assembly of leopard coral grouper, Plectropomus leopardus. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020,20:1403-1413. (IF 7.1)
5. Zhou Q, Gao H, Zhang Y, et al. A chromosome-level genome assembly of the giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) provides insights into its innate immunity and rapid growth. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2019, 19: 1322–1332.
6. Zhou Q, Su Z, Li YZ, et al. Genome-wide association mapping and gene expression analyses reveal genetic mechanisms of disease resistance variations in Cynoglossus semilaevis. Frontiers in Genetics, 2019, 01167.
7. Zhou Q1, Su XQ1, Jing GC, et al. RNA-QC-Chain: comprehensive and fast quality control for RNA-Seq data. BMC Genomics,2018, 19:144.
8. Xu H1, Xu X1, Li X, Wang L, Cheng J, Zhou Q*, Chen S*. Comparative transcriptome profiling of immune response against Vibrio harveyi infection in Chinese tongue sole. Scientific Data, 2019, 6(1):224.
9. Zhou Q1,*, Sheng Lu1, Yang Liu, Bo Zhou, Songlin Chen*, Development of a 20 K SNP array for the leopard coral grouper, Plectropomus leopardus. Aquaculture, 2024, 578, 740079.
10.Zhou Q, Su XQ, Wang A, et al. QC-Chain: fast and holistic quality control method for next-generation sequencing data. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(4): e60234. the top 25% most cited PLOS ONE articles.