1. 半滑舌鳎等鱼类细胞种质资源保存应用技术研究:开发研究适宜于半滑舌鳎等鱼类细胞系的高效基因导入技术体系,为鱼类功能基因组学研究提供高效平台;优化半滑舌鳎等鱼类的鱼类生殖/胚胎干细胞建立及干性特征分析,为鱼类优异品系培育及濒危鱼类保护提供重要细胞资源。
2. 半滑舌鳎等鱼类性别和生长关联机制研究:运用组学测序等方法开展半滑舌鳎等性别生长异形鱼类在不同性别个体生长-生殖轴的多组学机制分析;利用分子生物学实验手段开展关键基因的表观、转录及蛋白互作机制研究;采用RNA 干扰、基因组编辑等方法揭示关键基因在细胞系、组织或成体水平的作用机制。
3. 半滑舌鳎等鱼类性别生长异形关键基因在基因组编辑育种中的应用潜能研究:借助生物兼容性纳米材料、电穿孔技术等,优化建立半滑舌鳎等鱼类高效CRISPR-Cas9 基因组编辑技术;开展性别生长异形关键基因的基因组编辑敲除或敲入的探索研究,加快高产优质鱼类品系的精准培育进程。
1. Shi R#, Li XH#, Xu XW, Chen ZF, Zhu Y*, Wang N*. Genome-wide analysis of BMP/GDF family and DAP-seq of YY1 suggest their roles in Cynoglossus semilaevis sexual size dimorphism. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253 (5): 127201.
2. Gong Z#, Zhang Q#, Liu J, Hu G, Chen S*, Wang N*. Establishment, characterization and application in germplasm conservation and disease resistance: An embryonic cell line from Yangtze sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus). Aquaculture, 2023, 575:739807.
3. Li X, Yang Q, Shi R, Xu X, Chen Z, Chen S, Wang N*. Genome-wide identification of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein family in Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) and their responses to sex steroids. Aquaculture 2022; 557: 738346
4. Wang N*, Gao J, Liu Y, Shi R, Chen S*. Identification of crucial factors involved in Cynoglossus semilaevis sexual size dimorphism by GWAS and demonstration of zbed1 regulatory network by DAP-seq. Genomics 2022; 114(3): 110376.
5. Zhu Y, Shi R, Yang Q, Zhang M, Chen S, Wang N*. Two nipped-B like protein A (nipbla) gametologs in Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis): the identification of alternative splicing, expression pattern and promoter activity analysis, Frontiers in Marine Science 2022; 9: 833070.
6. Wang J, Yang Q, Hu Y, Xu W, Yang Y, Chen S*, Wang N*. Identification of lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network involved in sexual size dimorphism of Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Frontiers in Marine Science 2022; 9: 795525.
7. Yang Q, Li X, Shi R, Cheng P, Wang N*, Chen S*. The female-biased expression, transcriptional regulation and knock-down effect of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 in Chinese tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis. Aquaculture 2022; 551: 737956.
8. Wang N*, Yang Q, Wang J, Shi R, Li M, Gao J, Xu W, Yang Y, Chen Y, Chen S*. Integration of transcriptome and methylome highlights the roles of cell cycle and hippo signaling pathway in flatfish sexual size dimorphism. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2021; 9:743722.
9. Wang N*, Wang RK, Wang RQ, Chen SL*. Transcriptomics analysis revealing candidate networks and genes for the body size sexual dimorphism of Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Funct Integr Genomics. 2018;18(3): 327-339.
10. Wang R, Zhang N, Wang R, Wang S, Wang N*. Two skin cell lines from wild-type and albino Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus): establishment, characterization, virus susceptibility, efficient transfection, and application to albinism study. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2017; 43(6):1477-1486.