2017~2018年,National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research(新西兰),访问学者。
2022~2023年,Scottish Association for Marine Science(英国),访问学者。
E-mail: luanqs@ysfri.ac.cn
[1] Qingshan Luan, Elaine Mitchell & Keith Davidson. Northward expansion of the Atlantic waters may lead to increased presence of HAB species in the western Barents Sea. UNESCO IOC, Harmful Algae News, 2023, 73: 5–7.
[2] QINGSHAN LUAN, JIANQIANG SUN, JUN WANG. Large-scale distribution of coccolithophores and Parmales in the surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2018, 98(3): 567–579.
[3] 栾青杉, 孙坚强, 乔芮, 王俊, 臧有才, 张媛. 北黄海獐子岛海域浮游植物沉降通量的周年变化. 渔业科学进展, 2018, 39(4): 1–8.
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[5] Qingshan Luan, Sumei Liu, Feng Zhou, Jun Wang. Living coccolithophore assemblages in the Yellow and East China Seas in response to physical processes during fall 2013. Marine Micropaleontology, 2016, 123: 29–40.